Soft Magnetic Core market share – Industrial IT

2022-05-28 06:51:48 By : Ms. Debby Peng

The global Soft Magnetic Core market was valued at 2778.65 Million USD in 2021 and will grow with a CAGR of 3.51% from 2021 to 2027, based on Research newly published report.

The prime objective of this report is to provide the insights on the post COVID-19 impact which will help market players in this field evaluate their business approaches. Also, this report covers market segmentation by major market verdors, types, applications/end users and geography(North America, East Asia, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, South America).

Soft magnetic materials exhibit magnetic properties only when they are subject to a magnetizing force such as the magnetic field created when current is passed through the wire surrounding a soft magnetic core. Soft ferromagnetic materials are generally associated with electrical circuits where they are used to amplify the flux generated by the electric currents. These materials can be used in alternating current (AC) as well as direct current (DC) electrical circuits.The global soft magnetic material industry is a mature industry. However, a new energy paradigm, consisting of greater reliance on renewable energy sources and increased concern for energy efficiency in the total energy life-cycle, has accelerated research into energy-related technologies. New improved materials with higher energy efficiency have been demonstrated for amorphous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials. While amorphous steel has been used extensively as the core material for transformers and motors, the emerging nanocrystalline core material has even higher efficiency and will see much higher growth in the future.

1.4.1 North America Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.2 East Asia Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.3 Europe Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.4 South Asia Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.5 Southeast Asia Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.6 Middle East Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.7 Africa Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.8 Oceania Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.4.9 South America Market States and Outlook (2022-2027)

1.5 Global Soft Magnetic Core Market Size Analysis from 2022 to 2027

1.5.1 Global Soft Magnetic Core Market Size Analysis from 2022 to 2027 by Consumption Volume

1.5.2 Global Soft Magnetic Core Market Size Analysis from 2022 to 2027 by Value

1.5.3 Global Soft Magnetic Core Price Trends Analysis from 2022 to 2027

1.6 COVID-19 Outbreak: Soft Magnetic Core Industry Impact

Chapter 2 Global Soft Magnetic Core Competition by Types, Applications, and Top Regions and Countries

2.1 Global Soft Magnetic Core (Volume and Value) by Type

2.1.1 Global Soft Magnetic Core Consumption and Market Share by Type (2016-2021)

2.1.2 Global Soft Magnetic Core Revenue and Market Share by Type (2016-2021)

2.2 Global Soft Magnetic Core (Volume and Value) by Application

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