Who wants to be normal on Halloween?
Want to see something really scary?
Halloween 2022 looks to be the first “normal” one since 2019, before the pandemic gave everyone a real scare. It’s pretty crazy to remember that in 2020, some places didn’t allow trick-or-treating at all.
For the first big Halloween in years, it’s time to make a bold statement by being the one home on the block that isn’t just decorated with big spiders, ghosts or tombstones. Now's the time to give people a scare they’ll never forget.
Horror is all about the element of surprise, and here are nine out-of-the-box outdoor Halloween decorations that will make a real impression on your neighbors this Halloween.
via Amazon1. Scary Hanging Cocoon Corpse was $29.99, now $23.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) If a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and turns into a butterfly, what does a dead human turn into after being wrapped up in a tight silk envelope? Your neighbors' imaginations will run wild when they see this eerie cocoon hanging on your lawn but they probably won’t want to see what happens next. Order yours nowvia Amazon2. Dead Body in a Bag $12.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) This body in a bag is a pretty simple Halloween prop. But it’s exactly what everyone is afraid of running into, whether it's in a dumpster or washed up on the banks of the Hudson River. The true freakiness about this prop is that it could be real. Order yours nowvia Amazon3. Spider Egg Sacs $23.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) Spider egg sacs are super scary because, much like the human cocoon we mentioned earlier, it’s all about potential. What kind of spiders are in those sacs? Black widows? Tarantulas? Brown recluses? Everybody wants to know, but no one wants to find out the hard way. Order yours nowvia Amazon4. Blow-Up Rainbow Skeleton Unicorn Arch Gate was $65.99, now $59.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) Ever wondered what would happen if Rainbow Dash from “My Little Pony” had her wings clipped and she fell out of the magical skies of Ponyville? Now you can follow Rainbow's magical trip through the afterlife with this 11-foot-tall blow-up arch gate sure to make your neighbors super confused. Order yours nowvia Amazon5. Tree-Hugging Ghost $26.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) You know that Halloween is getting scary when ghosts are holding on for dear life. Horror is all about the imagination and what in the world is so terrible that it would freak out something that’s already dead? Give your neighbors something horrifying to ponder this Halloween with this cute, frightened ghost. Order yours nowvia Amazon6. Angry Flaming Tree $49.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) These solar-powered flaming trees will scare the bejesus out of trick-or-treaters as they attempt to make it up your walkway to get some treats. The flaming trees are solar-powered so they come on once the sun goes down. Order yours nowvia Amazon7. Hanging Animated Talking Pirate Skeleton $35.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) This six-foot-tall hanging pirate looks like an extra from “Pirates of the Caribbean.” But instead of singing about the joy of life on the seven seas, he’ll surprise your neighbors as they walk by your house by yelling, “Scared you, didn’t I?” Order yours nowvia Amazon8. Wrong-Way Tree-Crashing Witch $25.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) This witch should have asked for directions. Instead, she’s done a face plant into a tree on your lawn. Your neighbors will get a good laugh from this elaborate comedy prop before they are traumatized by one of the other terrifying things you find on this list. Order yours nowvia Amazon9. Talking Clown Ghost $35.99 (Next-day delivery available through Prime.) This 50-inch hanging talking clown ghost looks a lot like Pennywise from the “It” movies and is sure to give a huge fright to the folks who dare come down your block on Halloween. “Come closer, I got something for you and it is not a balloon” the clown will scream at your neighbors as they pray they make it through the night alive. Order yours now
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
If a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and turns into a butterfly, what does a dead human turn into after being wrapped up in a tight silk envelope? Your neighbors' imaginations will run wild when they see this eerie cocoon hanging on your lawn but they probably won’t want to see what happens next.
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This body in a bag is a pretty simple Halloween prop. But it’s exactly what everyone is afraid of running into, whether it's in a dumpster or washed up on the banks of the Hudson River. The true freakiness about this prop is that it could be real.
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
Spider egg sacs are super scary because, much like the human cocoon we mentioned earlier, it’s all about potential. What kind of spiders are in those sacs? Black widows? Tarantulas? Brown recluses? Everybody wants to know, but no one wants to find out the hard way.
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
Ever wondered what would happen if Rainbow Dash from “My Little Pony” had her wings clipped and she fell out of the magical skies of Ponyville? Now you can follow Rainbow's magical trip through the afterlife with this 11-foot-tall blow-up arch gate sure to make your neighbors super confused.
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
You know that Halloween is getting scary when ghosts are holding on for dear life. Horror is all about the imagination and what in the world is so terrible that it would freak out something that’s already dead? Give your neighbors something horrifying to ponder this Halloween with this cute, frightened ghost.
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
These solar-powered flaming trees will scare the bejesus out of trick-or-treaters as they attempt to make it up your walkway to get some treats. The flaming trees are solar-powered so they come on once the sun goes down.
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This six-foot-tall hanging pirate looks like an extra from “Pirates of the Caribbean.” But instead of singing about the joy of life on the seven seas, he’ll surprise your neighbors as they walk by your house by yelling, “Scared you, didn’t I?”
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This witch should have asked for directions. Instead, she’s done a face plant into a tree on your lawn. Your neighbors will get a good laugh from this elaborate comedy prop before they are traumatized by one of the other terrifying things you find on this list.
(Next-day delivery available through Prime.)
This 50-inch hanging talking clown ghost looks a lot like Pennywise from the “It” movies and is sure to give a huge fright to the folks who dare come down your block on Halloween. “Come closer, I got something for you and it is not a balloon” the clown will scream at your neighbors as they pray they make it through the night alive.
Upworthy may earn a percentage of proceeds from items purchased on this list
Romance doesn't always come easily, does it?
As the saying goes, "You have to kiss a few frogs..."
Dating has certainly evolved over the years—we’ve gone from courtship being purely a financial arrangement (not that this trend has ever truly died) to knights jousting for a lady’s favor, to casual hookups … and now, romance is primarily found through an app more than anything else.
Technology used for meeting that special someone has become so advanced that you can base your search entirely upon specific interests. Like … oddly specific interests. Think a fellow cat person would be the purrfect match? There’s an app for that. Wish to “love long and prosper” with a fellow Trekkie? There’s an app for that too.
No matter the changes, one thing remains the same—dating is awkward. It’s got all the unspoken formalities of a job interview, disguised as innocent fun. The balance between playing it too cool and too eager is hard to find even for the smoothest among us, and usually results in total embarrassment. Even if we aren’t the ones committing those embarrassing acts ourselves, we are often the reluctant witness to them.
Terrible dates might not always be fun in the moment, but they can be just as important as the good ones. They can teach us a lot about ourselves and what qualities we want in a partner. And at the very least, they can teach us to embrace social clumsiness with a sense of humor.
Jimmy Fallon recently asked his “Tonight Show” audience on Twitter to share a “funny or embarrassing first date story” for his ever popular #Hashtags segment. The best part—some of these awful first dates ended in marriage. There’s hope for us all.
Below, find 15 stories that are truly the the best of the worst. How do some of your first dates compare?
1. "After a nice dinner, she invited me to her house. On the way up, inside the elevator, I decided to push the button to stop between floors and give her a kiss... She had a phobia of closed spaces and she smacked my face as a reflex, two punches after we were kissing and laughing.” – @PanqueAlgarvio 2. “His jeans were so tight he couldn’t sit down. Stood at a bar stool the whole time.” – @onlyintheozarks 3. “Waiting 4 my date when an older couple asked me for a ride. my date came up and said sure! We drove them home & they asked us to come in. Date said “sure”. I pulled him back & asked why he wanted to hang w/strangers. He said ‘sh@t! YOU DON'T KNOW THEM!?’ We bolted!” – @natashaham75 Talk about a fashion faux pas.Giphy 4. “Before the date, we had been chatting about books we liked and I talked about a great book I just read. We went on the date. I loaned her the book. She ghosted me.” – @thenextbarstool 5. “The worst first date I ever had was when my date locked his keys in the car and I had a curfew so he had to break his car window out to get me home on time. Didn’t think I’d ever see him again but we wound up married.” – @csleblan 6. “First date movie ‘Basic Instinct’ not realizing how suggestive it was. We just thought it was a mystery thriller! We left the movie discussing how each character could have actually murdered someone. We're married now.” – @Southrnbell_Amy There are worse first date movies tbh.Giphy 7. “First date with my ex husband was a double date with his parents. The preview for ‘Speed Racer’ came on, and she leaned over me to say to her son, ‘You know what your dad's nickname in the bedroom is?’" – @theostoria 8. “A friend asked me on a double date as a blind date with his date's friend. I went to the bathroom and came back just in time to hear my date say to her friend, ‘why do I get the ugly one?’ I said good night to all three and headed home, leaving her w/the bill.” – @StevenTrustum 9. “He loved cheese. I was subjected to a 2 hour conversation/lecture about cheese, and why cottage cheese is not cheese!” – @Optimist_Eeyore I'd like to see this two-hour cheese lecture.Giphy 10. “He took me to an Asian fish market. We walked around looking at live & dead fish for a while. I don’t like seeing dead animals & I don’t eat seafood. Then we sat on a curb & he pulled out a ziplock bag of pineapple for us to share. I don’t like pineapple.” – @markayhali 11. “My cousin set up a first date for me with a family friend. During a break from dinner, Mr. Man follows me into the ladies’ room, comes up close and says in a low voice, ‘I shave my butt.’ Can’t remember what I said in response but the evening ended abruptly.” – @carli_zarzana 12. “I once took out my high school crush to a sports bar and ordered the spiciest wings there in an attempt to impress her. Not only was she not impressed. The next morning I woke up with heartburn.” –@Dmonster38 Talk about a hot date. GIF 13. “My date showed up with his bestie and girlfriend, and they talked through dinner about people I don’t know. Walking to the car, he gave me a wedgie because he thought he hadn’t been paying enough attention to me.” – @surrealDazey 14. “I was taking my date home and was pulled over by the police for speeding. When the cop came to my car, she jumped out and told him she had to get home. She walked home and I never heard from her again. I'm not sure who's #WorstFirstDate it was mine or hers!” – @eastriverbear 15. “After an evening of dancing with a first date, leaving the dance hall, I had to take a quick pee break. Rushing out to the parking lot, I see a lady, I grab her and swoop her around, and plant a big wet kiss on the lips. She was another guy's wife. Oops!” – @seadogskamore Only Gomez could have gotten away with it. Giphy
1. "After a nice dinner, she invited me to her house. On the way up, inside the elevator, I decided to push the button to stop between floors and give her a kiss... She had a phobia of closed spaces and she smacked my face as a reflex, two punches after we were kissing and laughing.” – @PanqueAlgarvio
2. “His jeans were so tight he couldn’t sit down. Stood at a bar stool the whole time.” – @onlyintheozarks
3. “Waiting 4 my date when an older couple asked me for a ride. my date came up and said sure! We drove them home & they asked us to come in. Date said “sure”. I pulled him back & asked why he wanted to hang w/strangers. He said ‘sh@t! YOU DON'T KNOW THEM!?’ We bolted!” – @natashaham75
Talk about a fashion faux pas.
4. “Before the date, we had been chatting about books we liked and I talked about a great book I just read. We went on the date. I loaned her the book. She ghosted me.” – @thenextbarstool
5. “The worst first date I ever had was when my date locked his keys in the car and I had a curfew so he had to break his car window out to get me home on time. Didn’t think I’d ever see him again but we wound up married.” – @csleblan
6. “First date movie ‘Basic Instinct’ not realizing how suggestive it was. We just thought it was a mystery thriller! We left the movie discussing how each character could have actually murdered someone. We're married now.” – @Southrnbell_Amy
There are worse first date movies tbh.
7. “First date with my ex husband was a double date with his parents. The preview for ‘Speed Racer’ came on, and she leaned over me to say to her son, ‘You know what your dad's nickname in the bedroom is?’" – @theostoria
8. “A friend asked me on a double date as a blind date with his date's friend. I went to the bathroom and came back just in time to hear my date say to her friend, ‘why do I get the ugly one?’ I said good night to all three and headed home, leaving her w/the bill.” – @StevenTrustum
9. “He loved cheese. I was subjected to a 2 hour conversation/lecture about cheese, and why cottage cheese is not cheese!” – @Optimist_Eeyore
I'd like to see this two-hour cheese lecture.
10. “He took me to an Asian fish market. We walked around looking at live & dead fish for a while. I don’t like seeing dead animals & I don’t eat seafood. Then we sat on a curb & he pulled out a ziplock bag of pineapple for us to share. I don’t like pineapple.” – @markayhali
11. “My cousin set up a first date for me with a family friend. During a break from dinner, Mr. Man follows me into the ladies’ room, comes up close and says in a low voice, ‘I shave my butt.’ Can’t remember what I said in response but the evening ended abruptly.” – @carli_zarzana
12. “I once took out my high school crush to a sports bar and ordered the spiciest wings there in an attempt to impress her. Not only was she not impressed. The next morning I woke up with heartburn.” –@Dmonster38
Talk about a hot date.
13. “My date showed up with his bestie and girlfriend, and they talked through dinner about people I don’t know. Walking to the car, he gave me a wedgie because he thought he hadn’t been paying enough attention to me.” – @surrealDazey
14. “I was taking my date home and was pulled over by the police for speeding. When the cop came to my car, she jumped out and told him she had to get home. She walked home and I never heard from her again. I'm not sure who's #WorstFirstDate it was mine or hers!” – @eastriverbear
15. “After an evening of dancing with a first date, leaving the dance hall, I had to take a quick pee break. Rushing out to the parking lot, I see a lady, I grab her and swoop her around, and plant a big wet kiss on the lips. She was another guy's wife. Oops!” – @seadogskamore
Only Gomez could have gotten away with it.
Photo courtesy of Girls at Work
Girls are bombarded with messages from a very young age telling them that they can’t, that is too big, this is too heavy, those are too much.
Elaine Hamel founded Girls at Work, Inc. in 2000 because to her, empowerment isn't just a buzzword but a way of life. Their mission is to challenge traditional norms and normalize girl power, focusing specifically on uplifting and supporting inner city girls between the ages of 8 and 18, who need stability, safety, and confidence.
The girls attending summer camps or after-school programs work in groups and learn how to problem solve, communicate, and use tools to build something practical. Hamel believes that learning how to use power tools shows the girls that they can do anything they put their minds to, better preparing them for a bright future.
Photo courtesy of TD Bank
Elaine's forward-thinking, positive leadership, and passion for the community is exactly why TD Bank chose to honor her for the 2022 #TDThanksYou campaign, a North American campaign demonstrating the bank’s gratitude and commitment to their customers by celebrating, recognizing, and thanking unsung heroes in exciting and meaningful ways. Hamel is one of six honorees recognized this year and was presented with power tools and gift certificates to purchase additional items needed to enhance the program.
Hamel understands what it feels like to hear the word “can’t.” Growing up, she struggled to find her place in a world that seemed to be built by, and for, men. As a kid she loved to “create or fix things” and always found something to tinker with. Before long, she discovered not only did she enjoy building and repairing things, but she was very good at it.
She spent the next several decades breaking down the multitude of barriers that a woman pursuing a career as a general contractor faced in the 1980s and 1990s.
“It was really brutal when I first started out in construction,” Hamel said. “The men were so cruel. But I grew up with five brothers and I was used to it. I told myself I’d be the boss one day…and now I am.”
Photo courtesy of TD Bank
The process of learning how to become stronger and more confident in her natural abilities sent her career soaring, and drives her life’s work—empowering girls to take up space and take control of their own lives.
“These are kids who grapple with neglect, food insecurity, and extreme poverty,” said Hamel. “They’re not soaring in school because they’re in survival mode. They’re hungry and unable to focus and learn.” Hamel’s solution is a fully stocked food pantry, where the girls can shop for groceries before heading home. Girls at Work, Inc. also has a “kindness closet,” stocked with clothing, shoes, outerwear and other items.
After addressing their immediate needs, the girls are ready to get to work. “There are many programs out there devoted to teaching trades and skills to girls,” said Hamel, “But this is about learning how to think critically and problem solve. Pushing through that is what actually empowers them.”
Photo courtesy of Girls at Work
The nonprofit is a vital part of the community, relying heavily on donations and volunteers to keep it going. For example, a club of retired men volunteer their time to pre-cut the lumber for Girls at Work, Inc.'s projects. The girls use that lumber to create things—like picnic tables, benches, and birdhouses—which in turn are donated to local organizations.
Hamel says she’s built with over 20,000 girls so far, and her goal is to hit one million. Her dream is to secure funding to open up new locations to serve even more communities and says that watching these girls' step into their power and believe in themselves is what keeps her moving forward. The world needs more heroes like her.
To learn more about this year's #TDThanksYou heroes, visit https://www.td.com/us/en/about-us/customers/humans-with-heart
"Can you move to the birthing ball so I can sleep in the bed?"
After working six years as a labor and delivery nurse Holly, 30, has heard a lot of inappropriate remarks made by men while their partners are in labor. “Sometimes the moms think it’s funny—and if they think it’s funny, then I’ll laugh with them,” Holly told TODAY Parents. “But if they get upset, I’ll try to be the buffer. I’ll change the subject.”
Some of the comments are so wrong that she did something creative with them by turning them into “inspirational” quotes and setting them to “A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carlton on TikTok.
“Some partners are hard to live up to!” she jokingly captioned the video.
Part 1: Some partners are hard to live up to! Get you a good one #laboranddelivery #labor
The first video featured the following facepalm-inducing quotes:
“I think you should just get a C-section. This is taking too long.”
“How long is this gonna take? I have plans this weekend.”
“Are you sure you want an epidural? My mom didn’t have one. Before you make a decision, we should talk about it.”
“Sew an extra stitch down there for me, doc. We want everything just the way it was before all of this.”
It’s unbelievable that anyone would make such selfish comments while their partner is in the throes of giving birth. Anyone who would ask, “How long is this gonna take?” definitely isn’t prepared to raise a child.
Some TikTok users thought that these women should have left their partners right there in the delivery room.
"LOL immediate divorce, I'm not joking," Rig wrote. Little_n_often agreed saying, "I’d be getting the divorce papers ready."
“I would sign the divorce papers while in labor and pushing,” another commenter wrote.
The video was a massive hit on TikTok, receiving over 10 million views. So, the nurse followed it up with a sequel where she shared more “inspirational” delivery room quotes from men.
Part 2: some partners are hard to live up to! Get you a good one! #laboranddelivery #babydaddy #labor
Wake me up when the baby gets here I'm tired." (Rolls over, puts cover over head and slept thru the birth of his baby.)
"Can you move to the birthing ball so I can sleep in the bed?"
(As the patient is pushing) "Do you guys do DNA tests here? My mom wants me to get one before we leave."
"Call me when you're about to have the baby. I'm gonna go with [name redacted] to the bar and watch the game."
Holly also told TODAY Parents that men should also keep their thoughts on pain medication to themselves and to stop looking at the contraction monitor and making comments.
“She can feel it!” Holly said. “You don’t need to ask her if she felt it. Trust me, she did.”
Holly’s public airing of men’s bad behavior had to be therapeutic, because, as a nurse, she can’t tell them off in the delivery room. But it's also a warning to men out there on how not to behave when their partners are giving birth. If there was ever a time in the world to stop thinking about yourself, it’s while your partner is giving birth.
Remember guys, think before you say anything in the delivery room, the nurses are listening.