Knowing Types of Magnets and Their Properties and Uses in Daily Activities |

2022-07-29 21:57:49 By : Mr. Oscar Liao - A magnet or magnet is an object that has a magnetic field.Magnets can also be interpreted as an object that has symptoms and properties that can affect certain materials around it.The origin of the word magnet is thought to come from the word magnesia, which is the name of an area in Asia Minor.According to the story, in the area about 4,000 years ago found a kind of rock that has the property to attract iron or steel or other metal alloys.Objects that can attract iron or steel are called magnets.In everyday life, the word "magnet" always connotes attracting objects.Magnets can be made of iron, steel, and metal alloys and have been widely used for the automotive and other industries.A magnet consists of small magnets that have the same direction (arranged in order), these small magnets are called elementary magnets.Each magnet has two poles, namely: north (N) and south (S).Magnetic poles are areas located at the ends of a magnet with the greatest magnetic strength at the poles.Magnets can attract other objects.Some objects are attracted even more strongly than others, namely metallic materials.However, not all metals have the same attraction to magnets.The following is a more complete explanation of the meaning of the types of magnets, which are quoted from the IPA module at are several parts to a magnet, including:The part of the magnet that has the greatest attraction is called the magnetic pole.Magnets always have two poles.This can be known when a bar magnet is dipped in iron filings.In the middle (neutral region) there is no iron filings attached, while at the ends there is more iron filings attached to the magnet.The part that is attached to a lot of iron filings is the magnetic pole.This indicates, the greatest magnetic force is at the ends of the magnet called the north pole and south pole of the magnet.The magnetic axis is the line connecting the two magnetic poles.Every magnetic object is basically made up of tiny magnets called elementary magnets.Elementary magnets are the smallest magnets in the form of atoms.An object will be magnetic if the elementary magnets have a direction that tends to be the same / regular and an object that does not have magnetic properties if the elementary magnets have a random direction (any).Types of magnets are basically divided into two, namely natural magnets and artificial magnets.Here's the explanation;Natural magnets are types of magnets that already have magnetic properties naturally, and the existence of these magnetic properties is free from human intervention.Rocks that can attract objects from iron are called natural magnets.One example of this natural magnet is Mount Ida in Magnesia, this is because Mount Ida has been proven to be able to attract objects around it.Artificial magnets are magnets made by human hands using strong magnetic materials such as iron and steel.Artificial magnets are also divided into two, namely permanent artificial magnets and temporary artificial magnets.Permanent artificial magnets or artificial permanent magnets are magnets that have permanent magnetic properties (fixed) even though the process of making the magnet has been stopped.An example of a permanent magnet is a refrigerator door which can be used to attach a toy magnet to decorate the door, and also be used to keep the refrigerator door closed more tightly.For temporary artificial magnets, it only has limited or temporary magnetic properties that occur during the manufacturing process.Thus, this temporary artificial magnet will lose its magnetic properties (attractive properties) when the external magnetic field is removed.An example is magnets used to make electromagnetics.Launching from a publication issued by, types of magnets are divided into two based on their magnetic properties, namely;Permanent magnets are a type of magnet in the form of a material that can produce a magnetic field of a fixed magnitude without any external influence.This type of magnet is called a natural magnet because it has permanent magnetic properties.Permanent magnets are made by people in various forms and can be distinguished according to their shape into:A permanent magnet is a type of magnet in the form of a material that can only produce a temporary magnetic field.A remanent magnetic field is generated by passing an electric current or rubbing it with a natural magnet.When an electric current is applied to a conducting material, the magnitude of the magnetic field produced depends on the amount of electric current flowing.The remanent magnetic fields used in practice are mostly generated by currents in iron cored coils.So that the magnetic field generated is strong enough, the coil is filled with iron or iron-like material and this system is called an electromagnet.Artificial magnets are a kind of magnet that covers almost all magnets that exist today.Forms of artificial magnets include:An electromagnetic in its simplest form is a cable wound into one or more loops.This coil or coil is called a solenoid.When a strong electric current flows through the coil, a magnetic field is generated along the coil.The strength of the magnetic field is influenced by several factors.The influencing factors include the number of turns, the amount of current, and the material used as the coil core.The number of turns affects the interacting area, the current affects the activity and the coil core material affects the electrical resistance.The core of the coil must be a ferromagnetic material, that is, a material that is easily magnetized, because some materials cannot be magnetized or have very little magnetic properties.Remember to keep comments respectful and follow our community guidelinesBung Karno often owes his subscription taxi driver to AriefSWI Closes 10 Illegal Investment Entities in June 2022, Here's the Complete ListGovernment Godok Rules: Ministers, TNI to Police Will Use Rental Electric CarsStarting tomorrow, 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