A magnet fisherman holds training rockets that were recovered from the bottom of a river located off of Ga. Highway 119 in June on Fort Stewart.
Magnet fishing doesn’t attract common sense
Three magnet fishermen hauled in more than they bargained for on Fort Stewart recently.
The haul included 86 small rockets and other ordnance found at the bottom of a river and they reeled in about $340 in fines, according to The Macon Telegraph.
They posted the experience to their YouTube Channel, Outdoors Weekly.
The video has over 3.7 million views.
Finding unexploded ordnance isn’t uncommon on Redstone Arsenal either. According to Garrison Safety Director Mike Moore, from 5-10 UXOs are found on post each year.
That’s why hunters, contractors and anyone else who will be working in the soil on post is given UXO training.
“Never touch, disturb or pick up suspect items. When in doubt call 911 and state you are calling from Redstone Arsenal,” Moore said. “Let emergency responders and trained UXO personnel make an assessment. UXO injures and kills people every year worldwide. Don’t take a chance on hurting yourself or others.”
Since Fort Stewart is federal property, the group was fined for “recreating without a permit, entering a restricted area and unauthorized magnet detection,” according to The Telegraph.
Conservation Law Enforcement Officer Kelly Smith says magnet fishing on post is a bad idea.
“A few years back I had a guy ask about magnet fishing,” Smith said. “Since it’s not really fishing in the sense they’re trying to catch an actual fish, it’s actually a search for metal objects.
“It is really not much different than getting a metal detector and a shovel. I advised the guy, no, predominantly for the reason occurring in Georgia. UXO would be attracted to magnets and that alone makes it unsavory. If someone said their hobby was hitting lumps with a ball peen hammer in impact ranges, I‘d also have to be the killjoy on that too.
“Also, since this is federal property, it’s unlawful to remove items from the installation without expressed written permission from authorized officials which is rarely given. There are also archaeological resources that come into play with this activity and those type resources are also very much protected by several federal laws.
“So, I don’t see it getting any traction out here.” To learn more about the hunting and fishing activities that are permitted on Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield, listen to this weekend’s edition of the Marne Report podcast; available through all major streaming platforms.
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