How will the Louisville magnets schools and program change?

2022-03-22 07:13:44 By : Ms. yuye xu

Acknowledging deep-rooted problems with diversity, equity and transparency, Jefferson County Public Schools plans to overhaul its sprawling magnet school program, increasing access for students of color and making the admissions process simpler to navigate, according to a proposal obtained by The Courier Journal.

The proposal, crafted by JCPS Superintendent Marty Pollio and his administration, would affect nearly every facet of the district’s magnet school program — from how students get into magnets to how they’re removed.

Many aspects of Pollio’s new plan address disparities highlighted in The Courier Journal’s Oct. 2021 “Magnetic Pull” project. The six-story series, along with its companion podcast, "A ‘Bad’ School," revealed myriad ways Kentucky’s largest school district is sacrificing its poorer schools so its magnets can thrive.

Among the most significant changes proposed:

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The magnet overhaul is just one part of the new student assignment plan Pollio plans to bring for a vote before the Jefferson County Board of Education this June.

The other half of the proposal addresses the district’s 47-year-old busing program, which places a disproportionate burden on Louisville’s Black families living in the West End.

Pollio’s proposal would require the board to redefine the purpose of the district's magnet program, which for decades has not aligned with national standards or best practices — and, in turn, has prevented JCPS from tapping into millions of dollars in federal funds.

Even so, several reforms recommended by experts aren't found in JCPS' potential magnet changes, calling into question how effectively the new plan will make high-quality magnet programs accessible for all students.

Nearly 20,000 of JCPS' roughly 95,000 K-12 students attend a magnet school or program.

Magnets by design are intended to increase diversity by offering specialized programming, drawing students from different ZIP codes, income brackets and racial and ethnic backgrounds under one roof.

JOIN US:Pollio to discuss JCPS student assignment plan at West End event. Here are 3 things to know

While a few of Jefferson County’s magnets are achieving that goal, nearly all of the district’s most sought-after magnet programs do not serve student populations representative of the district.

A stark example is duPont Manual High School, consistently ranked as the top school in Kentucky.

Fewer than a quarter of Manual’s students come from low-income households — compared with nearly two-thirds of all JCPS high school students.

Pollio’s proposal would require schools such as Manual to improve their outreach and recruitment efforts for students from marginalized backgrounds.

Here's what you need to know about how the plan would affect magnets:

Under the proposal, Western High School would transform into a whole-school magnet focused on technology, coding and computer science.

Western, which opened in Shively in 1961, has been under capacity for years, with most students living in Western's enrollment zone instead choosing to attend another JCPS high school. Though the school can hold 1,200 students, only about 800 are enrolled this year.

Western would accept its first freshman class of magnet students in 2023-24 — one of several schools that would see their magnet status change that year.

Though the district has established a timeline, it could not say how much it would invest to turn Western into a magnet, which, if done according to national standards, will require state-of-the-art technology and specialized programming.

More:Pollio to discuss JCPS student assignment plan at West End event. Here are 3 things to know

JCPS magnet schools (including traditional schools) currently are able to kick out, or "exit," students for poor academics, behavior or attendance — something the district's regular schools can't do.

The national certifying body for magnets in 2014 recommended JCPS end the practice, saying exits don't align with national magnet school standards. The group, Magnet Schools of America, also questioned whether exits were legal.

From 2016-17 through 2018-19, magnet school administrators removed 1,110 students under the exit rule. Of those kicked out in just 2018-19, more than half were Black, and more than three-quarters were poor, The Courier Journal has reported.

Magnets would no longer be able to exit students under Pollio's new plan. Parents could still request their children be removed.

This policy change would have the greatest impact on JCPS' traditional program, long-known for its strict rules. 

When asked by a reporter whether the district had a plan to support schools who lose their power to exit kids, such as additional training on classroom management, none was given. "Any additional needs will be supported to create a successful environment for students," a JCPS spokesman said.

Every magnet school and program would be expected to reach a level of diversity on par with the district as a whole, which is about 60% nonwhite and 70% low-income.

To measure magnets' progress, JCPS will use its "diversity index," a formula that takes into account adult race, income and educational levels in the neighborhoods where children live.

Students identified as "Category 1" come from the least advantaged neighborhoods, those from "Category 3" come from the most advantaged, and kids from "Category 2" fall somewhere in between.

Related:What are Louisville's most and least diverse neighborhoods? The answers may surprise you

Magnets would need to strive for student enrollments of 30% from Category 1, 50% from Category 2 and 20% from Category 3. Schools with multiple magnet programs within a building, such as Manual, would need to apply these targets to each individual program — not the school as a whole.

Doing so would force Manual to reckon with its dismal diversity numbers for the school's two most popular programs: the math, science and technology (MST) magnet and the Youth Performing Arts School (YPAS), each of which serves few of the district's neediest students.

Schools failing to improve their diversity levels would be required to create and implement plans for attracting more students from diverse backgrounds, though documents obtained by The Courier Journal do not describe how exactly this accountability measure would work. 

More:How can Louisville fix its privileged magnet schools? Here are 5 places to start

Pollio's plan says the district will review magnet boundary lines, examining how they affect school diversity and capacity.

Most magnets do not have enrollment boundaries, but the district's elementary and middle traditional schools do.

Male and Butler, the district's two traditional high schools, do not have enrollment boundaries, meaning students from anywhere in the district can attend.

Currently, families are more often choosing Male than Butler, leaving Male overcrowded and Butler under capacity.

With the new plan, the district could draw enrollment zones for its traditional high schools. Consequently, students' ability to attend Male would depend on where they live. 

Part of JCPS' magnet problem is there are more than 60 programs across the district of differing quality, resources and enrollment.

Pollio's proposal would require the school board to adopt a policy governing how new magnet schools are opened in the district, in a move to standardize magnet quality.

The plan also seeks consistency across current magnets, ensuring "mirror" programs provide students with the same curriculum and experiences.

In particular, the plan says disparities across the district's middle school math, science and technology magnet programs — located at Meyzeek, Newburg and Farnsley — will be addressed.

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The district plans to expand some internal magnets to encompass entire schools, including the Spanish immersion program at Hawthorne Elementary. Wall-to-wall magnets are considered best practice nationally because they allow all children to access specialized programming, rather than just a specific group.

There is no plan, however, to turn Meyzeek or Noe middle schools — whose internal magnets largely shut out poor, Black and special needs students — into whole-school magnets.

Though Meyzeek and Noe have said they working to address their internal segregation, there is no mention in Pollio's new plan of a policy to ensure equitable access to magnet programming within schools.

To increase transparency — and reduce confusion for parents — all magnet lotteries would be moved to the district's central office, rather than being run by individual schools.

Magnets using criteria-based applications, however, would keep their admissions processes in-house. A JCPS spokesman said the district will provide oversight, but initial documents do not describe how or to what extent that will occur.

The admissions process at Manual, in particular, is especially opaque, The Courier Journal found in a 2021 investigation.

The school does not make public the rubrics it uses to rate applications, nor does it provide established cut scores, which is considered best practice for criteria-based magnets.

Background:Want your kid in duPont Manual High School? How savvy Louisville parents play the game

Scott Thomas, a national expert on magnet schools, previously described Manual's admissions process as "contrived," "subjective" and "easily manipulated."

"This is what I would call a system that promotes unequal access," Thomas said.

Pollio will field questions about the plan Tuesday evening at a forum co-sponsored by The Courier Journal and the Louisville Urban League.

The event is scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Tuesday at the Louisville Urban League’s Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Campus, 3029 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. The event will also be livestreamed on The Courier Journal's Facebook and YouTube pages, as well as 

Pollio will be joined on stage by Raoul Cunningham, president of the Louisville Branch NAACP; Kish Cumi Price, commissioner of workforce investment with the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet; and Brent McKim, president of the Jefferson County Teachers Association.

Courier Journal investigative reporter Mandy McLaren will moderate the discussion.

Mandy McLaren: 502-582-4525;; Twitter: @mandy_mclaren. 

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