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The weather has been kind for golfers but Eden members are still on a wet course.
There was some good golf played this week but unfortunately two golfers didn't sign their card, disqualifying them for the round.
On Tuesday Anne Wilcox had a good round with a net 78. Sue Kelly also had the same score but was beaten on a countback.
The ladies also had a putting competition. Janice Davidson and Hazel Sounders both had only 33 putts for their round. That's less than two per hole.
Anthony Clark won the men's competition with 36 points. Stuart Cassie was next best with 35 points.
Again no men were able to keep the ball on the 8th green, but Ian Hamdorf hit the golden shot.
After the best score was taken out because of not signing the card, Rod Boyd and Paul Hutchinson both had a net 71 in the A grade with Rod winning on a countback.
B grade had Jim Chenhall as the winner and a visitor coming in second.
Peter Steward hit the golden shot on the 18th green. The problem was the three putts to get it in the hole after the good drive.
Both Graeme Cantrill and Paul Hutchinson had eagles on the short 14th hole.
The ladies lost their pennant round on Friday and will not be able to make it into the finals.
In Saturday's women's round Anne Wilcox was again the winner with Janice Davidson the runner-up. Anne must soon be running out of handicap.
Next week's competition will be a stableford round for both the men and women.
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