Devon magnet fishers dredge up stolen Victorian safe - Devon Live

2022-05-28 06:54:21 By : Ms. Lisa Wang

You never know what you will find after taking up new trend magnet fishing

Taking metal detecting to a very different extreme is a new watersport trend called magnet fishing where people hunt for what they hope will be hidden treasures submerged in canals and rivers. Using a very large magnet attached to a long piece of rope, you simply throw it into the water, let it sink and wait to see what it attaches itself to.

The exciting part is it's a bit like an underwater game of lucky dip because you have no idea what is lurking at the bottom of the murky water and it's only when you carefully raise the magnet back up onto dry land that you see what is attached to it. Having been told about all the amazing finds magnet fishing enthusiasts have shared on YouTube by my video obsessed teenage son, he convinced me we needed to give it a go.

After investing £15 on a heavy-duty fishing magnet we set off as wannabe treasure hunters along the River Exe, ending up at Exeter Quay. In reality, our efforts we awarded with little more than broken bits off old boats, bottle tops, a drawing pin, a 2p coin and obscure pieces of rusty metal.

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Slightly downhearted, but not put off, we trudged home with our 'treasures' because one of the key rules of the sport is that whatever you pull out of the water you dispose of responsibly. As if by fate, I then came across a Facebook post of two men in waders standing in the middle of the River Exe holding ropes and people wondering what they were up to.

Their identity was revealed as Devon Water Raiders (magnet fishing), a group that has been set up by two Exeter men, Harley Hackney and Martin McFetridge, who have been united by a love of the sport. Rather than being novices like my son, they have been honing their metal hunting skills since lockdown and their treasure trove of items includes motorbikes, pushbikes, anchors, an ancient bell, farming equipment, jewellery and even an old pay as you go coin-operated house phone.

But their biggest trophy find to date is a Victorian safe unexpectedly pulled out of the water off Countess Wear Bridge near South West Water. It was discovered in the middle of the river in March and was so heavy that they had to return back to the location a few days later with another pair of hands and more heavy-duty equipment to retrieve it, still not knowing what they had found.

The safe is believed to have been in the water for at least 60 years and took around seven hours to pull up onto dry land.

Harley recalled: "At first we thought it might be a washing machine because of the weight of it. Then when it started emerging out of the water we could see the inner shell and then we realised it was a safe. It was the last thing we thought it would be."

They posted details of the find on community Facebook page Exeter Past and Present and have since discovered it belonged to a local woman's grandmother who was robbed in the '60s. Her safe was stolen but was never recovered - until now.

Harley said: "The woman said his grandmother believed it was an inside job. When I asked her for a description of the safe it was literally the safe that was sat in front of me. She has since messaged the police and we are waiting to find out more.

"We always thought there was a mystery to it because when we pulled it out the back of it was blown off and you could still smell smoke from it. The thieves must have used a blow torch or something like that to cut through the safe and used a boat to dump it in the river due to its location. Nothing was in it when we pulled it up."

The duo go out magnet fishing together every Sunday, currently only in Exeter because Harley's van is out of action so they have to use trailers attached to their pushbikes to carry their finds home. In the hope their good luck would rub off on us, my son and I joined them last weekend at their chosen spot down a busy area of Exeter Quay.

On Harley's first attempt, his magnet had already detected a strong pull. Within an hour standing in the same small spot, he and Martin had pulled out a shopping trolley, road safety barriers, a chair, pushbike, ladder and an ice-cream advertising sign.

My son, with the assistance of their arm power, retrieved an abandoned supermarket cage - his largest find to date. All of our magnet fishing antics certainly caught the attention of intrigued passersby, and even a local business owner who had to be assured that the activity was not illegal and the area would be tidied, swept left in the clean state it had previously been.

Out of all the items Harley and Martin retrieve, they only keep a small number of items that are 'quirky' or 'intriguing'. The rest is broken down and either disposed of or they sell it as scrap metal.

Recalling how he first got into magnet fishing, Harley said: "During lockdown I saw a video on YouTube of someone magnet fishing and thought I would give it a go as I already do cliff jumping in the summer and am used to looking underwater for any obstacles. Magnet fishing is basically metal detecting but using a magnet and you search waterways rather than the ground.

"The first time I put the magnet in a river I pulled up a bottle top and caught a couple of little bits like pushbike wheels so nothing really special. You definitely need patience.

"But it made me realise more was down there so I bought a bigger magnet and more equipment and then I started pulling things out like motorbikes. I'm now on 14 motorbikes! There's a hot spot down by the Quay which we have completely raided now.

"Apparently, in the 80s, it used to be a dirt track so we have found lots of motorbikes and pushbikes there. If we find something we think was stolen and dumped and is in good condition we try and find the owner.

"Since becoming friends with Martin it makes it easier to pull things out of the water together using grappling hooks and winches. Sometimes it can take us 90 minutes to drag and pull something out if it's big or stuck.

"We have never found any weapons or bullets. We have pulled out pen knives, but that's just ones fishermen have dropped."

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When it comes to locations, it is often pot luck where your magnet falls but busier areas with more activities on or by the water usually lead to a better success rate.

Martin said: "The biggest question we get asked is how do you know it's there? The answer is we don't and that's the exciting bit. It doesn't matter where you go because you will always find something. There is so much down in the water that people don't even know about."

Harley added: "Another good spot to search is disused bodies of water such as near industrial buildings, train stations, out the way water with a path for the dodgy finds."

To increase their chances of even bigger finds, Harley and Martin have invested in an inflatable dingy and trailer so that they can go magnet fishing on the water rather than just standing at the side of river banks. Harley said: "It will be a game changer. In the summer we shall be scuba/ free diving with metal detectors to find historic treasures and explore."

In the meantime, their enthusiasm for the unusual sport has definitely rubbed off my son who can't wait to get back out down the quay again. Whether he will find any 'treasure' remains to be seen, but if his efforts only mean that our rivers are less polluted with junk then surely it can only be a good thing?

To find out more about Devon Water Raiders, visit their Facebook page by clicking here.

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