During the 2022–2023 Distinguished Lecturer season, the following topics and speakers will be presented. A calendar of the lecturer schedule is available, and SPE Live will be featuring one Distinguished Lecturer per month.
Antonio Capeleiro Integrated Project Development of Offshore Fields Pré-Sal Petróleo SA (PPSA) Reservoir
Arash Dahi Taleghani On Repurposing Oil and Gas Wells to Geothermal Wells Penn State University Completions
Babak Moradi Waterflood Optimization by Data Analytics on Mature Fields Accelerate the Field-Developing Process From Months to Weeks Three60 Energy Data Science and Engineering Analytics
Fracture Challenge: What Can We Resolve While Drilling? Schlumberger Drilling
Acid Stimulation of Carbonate Formations: Matrix Acidizing or Acid Fracturing? Texas A&M University Production and Operations
An Examination of the Effects of Surface-Data-Acquisition Methods on Well-Performance Evaluations and Completion Optimization Revo Testing Technologies Production and Operations
Methane Emissions: Our Obligation and Our Opportunity in the Energy Transition Schlumberger Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability
How Do CEOs Lead for Success? Insights To Boost Your Leadership Skills Spark Leadership Ltd. Management
Rigs as Reefs: Reimagining Our Energy Past as our Eco-Friendly Future Blue Latitudes LLC Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability
Watch Your Losses! A Case Study of Design Choices and Their Economic Impact in a Low-Temperature Geothermal Project Skoki Energy Advisors Inc. Projects, Facilities, and Construction
Optimizing Field Development and Predicting EUR Utilizing Geochemistry Red Bluff Resources LLC Reservoir
The Role of CCS and Hydrogen in the Energy Transition Low Carbon Energies Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability
Practical Petrophysics in Unconventional Reservoirs: Chasing the Sweetest! Marathon Oil Reservoir
The Hydraulic Fracturing Test-Site Program: A Successful Public/Private Partnership To Advance the Science of Fracturing in the Permian Basin and Beyond GTI Energy Completions
The Geomechanics of Drilling Weakly Bedded Shale in Conventional and Unconventional Wells Baker Hughes Drilling
The Digital Twin for Production Optimization—With Emphasis on Compositional Modeling ADNOC HQ Reservoir
Successful Formula for Accelerating Change EnergyInnova Inc. Management
A Survival Guide for Digital Transformation Well Data QA Data Science and Engineering Analytics
Turning the Tide: From Noise to Reservoir-Monitoring Tool Genel Energy Reservoir
Effective Pipe Centralization is Critical to Total Depth and Well Integrity Ace Oil Tools AS Drilling
Entrepreneurship in the Transitioning Oil Field: Starting and Building a Great Company During Tumultuous Times Advantek Waste Management Services Management
Physics-Embedded Machine Learning for Modeling and Optimization of Mature Fields Tachyus Data Science and Engineering Analytics
Drill Rig Control Systems: Detecting Auto-Driller Dysfunction and Improving Behavior ExxonMobil UIS Drilling
Streamline Reservoir Surveillance Models To Improve Mature Floods Through Low-Cost Actions Streamsim Technologies Inc. Reservoir
Unlocking Unconventional Reservoirs Using Magnetic Resonance as the Key Halliburton Reservoir
From Digital Rocks to Gigatonne-Scale CO2 Storage: Two Revolutions in One Imperial College London Reservoir
Reservoir Insights Unlocked by Multidisciplinary Integration Chevron Reservoir
Well Integrity in the Operate Phase of the Well Life Cycle—Our Role as Crime Scene Detectives International Well Integrity Ltd. Production and Operations
Sidetracking With Whipstocks: An Efficient Method for Increasing Your Operational and Asset Value Weatherford Intl. Drilling
Success and Failure Factors for Cyclic Gas Injection in Unconventional Reservoirs NITEC LLC Reservoir
Fracture Height Growth Modeling in Layered Formations—Comparison of Modeled and Observed Data ConocoPhillips Company Completions
Reservoir-on-a-Chip Micromodels: Tiny Tools for a Big Industry Aramco Research Center—Boston, Aramco Americas Reservoir
The Journal of Petroleum Technology, the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ flagship magazine, presents authoritative briefs and features on technology advancements in exploration and production, oil and gas industry issues, and news about SPE and its members.
ISSN: 1944-978X (Online) ISSN: 0149-2136 (Print)