There are three characters in Vampire Survivors who can be the best builds for farming gold, which players will need to get all the Powerups.
Several of the characters in Vampire Survivors are good gold farmers for players who want to get rich. Gold is used to buy Powerups that improve a character's attributes, like might, armor, recovery, or speed. These Powerups make it easier for players to clear levels and progress, so farming gold to buy them is an important part of learning Vampire Survivors.
There are several methods of farming gold in Vampire Survivors, like using Powerups or grinding on specific levels. The Powerup that is most helpful in finding and picking up more gold is Greed. Greed grants players 10% more gold per level, up to a maximum of 50%. Greed is relatively inexpensive compared to other Powerups and helps players get more gold in return, so it is a good choice early in the game. After Greed, players should get Magnet and Move Speed; Magnet will attract gold from greater distances, while Move Speed makes it easier for players to pick up gold while avoiding hordes of enemies. Finally, players need to increase their Luck in Vampire Survivors to get better gold loot drops and treasure chests.
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Three characters would be the best choices for players looking to create a gold farm build: Exdash Exiviiq, Imelda, and Mortaccio. These three characters have attributes that make it easier to farm gold in Vampire Survivors because they have strong Luck, magnet, and damage.
For each of the characters that are good builds for gold farming in Vampire Survivors, players should grind on the Il Molise map. This map is unlocked when players unlock Hyper Mode for any normal stage, like the Inlaid Library, another decent place for farming gold. To unlock Hyper Mode, defeat the boss that spawns at the 25-minute mark. Once players are in Hyper Mode, they will see an increase in movement speed, gold, and Luck drops. Below are the three best characters for gold builds:
Next: Vampire Survivors Adding A Totally Immobile Character Is A Genius Move
Vampire Survivors is available on PC.
Game Guides Writer, Freelancer, and Dog-Obsessed Millennial, Kelli Beard has been writing professionally since 2022 and gaming since her childhood. She lives in the US and has a Master's Degree in Global and Comparative History, but her passion is writing and editing.