Editor’s Note: This product was provided to us as a review sample by High Camp Flasks. This in no way, per our editorial policies, influenced the final outcome of this review.
The whiskey industry has been solving the ways to drink in the great outdoors for as long as whiskey has been around. High Camp Flasks is one company making rough and tumble bar gear for backpackers, hikers, and campers. We have reviewed their Firelight Tumbler 2-Pack and now we will see how the Firelight 750 Magnet 3-Piece Bar Set fares.
I am already impressed with the packaging, as it slimly fits to ensure minimal waste. The box is magnetic, sturdy, and, as a box goblin, I will find a good use for it. The flask itself is stored inside a microfiber bag, which helps keep the stainless-steel fingerprint free. Slipping the Firelight 750 Flask out of the bag is exciting. The sheer size of the flask and design has the wow factor. The tumblers, which High Camp Flasks calls “6-Shooter” tumblers, have grooves that make it look like a revolver barrel.
My initial thought is, “Damn!” My second thought is, “Bleep, it’s heavy!” Because of its double-wall vacuum insulation, she is thicc. It is more of a thermos than a flask. Not a problem per se because it is good for both hot and cold drinks, but it does weigh 29oz empty. If you’re a backpacker or hiker, you know that ounces matter for what you can carry. If you’re going glamping, car-camping, or with a group, the decision to pack the Firelight 750 may not be an issue. Filled with whiskey, the flask gains another three pounds. Also, I recommend placing the behemoth inside your backpack and not in the side pocket meant for water bottles.
High Camp Flasks Firelight 750 Magnet 3-Piece Bar Set (image via Courtney Kristjana)
Be sure to read all the leaflets about product maintenance carefully. The magnets are powerful and should not be around electronics. The cap itself is a magnet holding one of the tumblers, and there is a magnet at the bottom holding the other tumbler. The top tumbler is the easiest to take off, but don’t worry, the tumblers cannot just shake off when attached. The bottom tumbler was hard to pull off; like really, difficult. In fact, I pulled the magnet off the bottom of the flask, and it is stuck inside the cup now!
Although I am disappointed, High Camp Flasks has wonderful customer service to ensure its “Heirloom Quality Guarantee.” Nic, Co-Founder of High Camp Flasks, responded to me right away. The base magnet on the flasks is now manufactured with a secured screw instead of glue. The Firelight 750 Magnet 3-Piece Bar Set is priced at $125. Custom engraving is available for an extra $20. As you can see, the price is steep, but at least the company takes pride in its products and is willing to help its customers.
For me, the High Camp Flasks Firelight 750 is too big for my personal outdoor adventures. Even though the flask is lighter without the tumblers and doesn’t leak, I would opt for the 350ml flask available from the company. It keeps hot cocoa, or coffee, hot, and it will keep ice from melting fast. Despite the magnetic issue on my flask, it is still usable, and the quality is there. I will just keep it all together with the microfiber bag until I can pick up some Gorilla Glue. If the price of High Camp Flasks gives you anxiety, then check out similar gadgets we’ve reviewed.
Courtney Kristjana is a leading whiskey taster in the country. She left a career in Gerontology after an article on Heather Greene inspired her to follow her passion for whiskey. She is studying to become a Master of Scotch and someday hopes she is nominated for the Keepers of the...
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