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The tiny, magnetic balls are finally back on the market.
If you've always wanted to legally purchase a set of Buckyballs, those small sphe
A sound science activity from Science Buddies
Key Concepts Physics Sound Magnetism Electricity
Introduction Do you like to listen to music? Have you ever wondered how a TV, computer or phone turns music into sound that your ears can hear? In this project you will bui
Photo 1: Despite the ornamental look of this golden Celestion speaker from 1924, its main components are essentially the same as today's.
A rumination on the history of bass speakers and how they compare to their guitar-amplifying kin.
Musicians rarely see the huge effect a speaker
New tech promises green hydrogen that’s cheaper and more energy efficient to produce
Australian boffins have apparently figured out the best way to create hydrogen fuel, producing it at 95 per cent efficiency – more than a 25 per cent improvement than any competing method. Best of al