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Novel technology in healthcare based on fundamental physics saves millions of lives e
Don’t worry about China, says NovaTorque—the company’s electric motor doesn’t rely on rare earth elements.
An Electric Motor That Cures the Rare Earth Blues?
If you want to understand NovaTorque's electric motor, think of french bread.
The Sunnyvale,
You hear it all the time when it comes to kids... they grow up so fast. The same can be said about puppies. Carter is growing and changing quickly. On this National Dog Day, let's reflect on our time with him so far.
It was just over six weeks ago that we adopted our new Sheltie (Sh
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The first search for magnetic monopoles in mantle-derived polar igneous rocks –
After soaking the materials in water (as shown in middle column), Penn State researchers chemically reacted shredded wood pulp, cotton paper and ground corncob and tomato peels to convert them into microproducts, nanoparticles and solubilized biopolymers (third column). Adding these microprodu
License application covers 18.4 km prospective for copper-zinc volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits;
Includes former zinc-producing Kangasjärvi Mine, operated by Outokumpu Oy in the mid-1980's;
Covers possible extensions of VMS mineralization, both near-mine and alon
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Actively shielded magnets brought the machines from iron-walled rooms to the mainstream
The b
The suspended maglev train is composed of two cars, with a passenger capacity of 32 and 88 people. The maximum design running speed is 80 km/h. The suspended rail operates about 10 metres above the ground
China has launched a ‘sky train’ called the Red Rail built with permanent magne
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