Open Class results from Stutsman County Fair - Jamestown Sun | News, weather, sports from Jamestown North Dakota

2022-07-15 21:57:45 By : Mr. Jack Sunny

There were 42 exhibitors in Agriculture with 149 entries and 134 exhibitors with 674 entries in Home and Hobby divisions in the Open Class at the Stutsman County Fair. The following are winners in the Stutsman County Fair in the Open Class. Winners are compiled from judges’ results.

Any hard red spring wheat: First, Daisy Krapp; second, Hunter Krapp; third, Lilly Krapp

Any rye: First, Adam Krapp; second, Evan Krapp; third, Lilly Krapp


Field corn, 6 stalks: First, Connor Gasal; second, Evan Krapp; third, Adam Krapp

Brome grass: First, Adam Krapp; second, Evan Krapp

Best cultivated crop: Connor Gasal

Apple, 6: First, Phyllis Schuler; second, Maddy Tyson; third, Chris Neys

Cherries, 12 any kind: First, Maddy Tyson; second, Miah Tyson; third, Gloria Jones

Plums, green, 6: First, Robert Stiles; second, Gloria Jones

Raspberries, ½ pint: First, Robert Stiles

Strawberries, ½ pint (caps on): First, Lisa Blaskowski; second, Gloria Jones

Chokecherries, 1/1 pint: First, Gloria Jones

Goosebeerries, ½ pint: First, Miah Tyson

Any other fruit: First, Gloria Jones

Asparagus, 6 spears: First, Gloria Jones

Dill heads, 3: First, Gloria Jones

Garlic, 3: First, John Carlson; second, Brittany Gannarelli

Lettuce, leaf, 3 plants: First, Kristen Grenz

Six green table onions: First, Gloria Jones

Three yellow mature onions: First, Gloria Jones

Peas, 6 pods: First, Patsy Klose

Potatoes (red), 4: First, Chris Neys; second, Duane Klostreich

Radish, round 6: First, Gloria Jones; second, Chris Neys

Rhubarb, 6 stalks in one bunch: First, Chris Neys; second, Barb Hill; third, Deb Greshik

Any other vegetable: First, Kristen Grenz; second, Gloria Jones

Best Adult Vegetable/Fruit: Lisa Blaskowski

Best Adult Onion: Gloria Jones

Best Adult Potato: Chris Neys

Apples, 6: First, Will Tyson; second, Jordan Jensen, third, Miah Tyson

Cherries, 12: First, Aliyah Tyson; second, Will Tyson; third, Katie Tyson

Juneberries, 1/2 pint: First, Will Tyson; second, Aliyah Tyson

Any other fruit: First, Aliyah Tyson

Beets, 3: First, Will Tyson; second, Maddy Tyson

Green table onions, 6: First, Miah Tyson

Other onion, 6, roots removed: First, Jordan Jensen

Potato, 4: First, Maddy Tyson; second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Will Tyson

Rhubarb, 6 stalks: First, Ainsly Wolsky; second, Rhian Lueck

Any other vegetable: First, Katie Wolsky

Best Junior Vegetable/Fruit: Will Tyson

Best Junior Onion: Miah Tyson

Best Junior Potato: Maddy Tyson

Canterbury Bells, 3 stems: Second, Chris Neys

Columbine, 3 stems: Second, Chris Neys

Fairy garden: First, Laurie Podoll

Daisies, Common, Oxeye, 5 blooms: First, Angela Scherbenske; second, Chris Neyes; third, Phyllis Schuler

Delphiniums, 3 spikes: First, Laurie Podoll; second, Marla Wegner; third, Chris Neys

Dianthus, 3 stems: First, Phyllis Schuler; second, Mary Jean Westerhausen

Iris, 1 stem: First, Laurie Podoll

Lily Day, 1 stem: First, Gloria Jones; second, Michele Well

Any other lily, 1 stem: First, Laurie Podoll; second, Chris Neys; third, Gloria Jones

Marigolds, small, 5 blooms: First, Michele Well

Marigolds, large, 5 blooms: First, Chris Neys

Peonies, 3 stems: First, Phyllis Schuler; second, Barb Hill; third, Patsy Klose

Petunias, single, 7 to 8 stems: First, Michele Well

Poppies, California (only) 8 blooms: Third, Patsy Klose

Rose, 1 bloom: First, Michele Well

Rose bowl: First, Michele Well

Snap dragons, 5 stems: First, Gloria Jones

Any other flower, large, over 2” diameter: First, Laurie Podoll; second, Michele Well

Any other flower, small, under 2” diamester: First, Brittany Gannarelli; second, Michele Well; third, Laurie Podoll

Fresh bouquet, full size: First, Gloria Jones

Fresh bouquet, miniature: First, Gloria Jones

Fresh flower arrangement, centerpiece: First, Brittany Gannarelli

Silk arrangement: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Angela Scherbenske

Potted green plant, no cactus 8” diam. pot: First, Laurie Podoll

Best Adult Flower: Laurie Podoll

Daisies, 5 blooms: First, Katie Tyson; second, Miah Tyson; third, Aliyah Tyson

Dianthus, 3 stems: First, Emery Lueck; second, Rhian Lueck

Fairy garden: First, Katie Tyson; second, Ainsly Wolsky; third, Tenly Wolsky

Marigolds, 5 blooms: First, Miah Tyson; second, Rhian Lueck; third, Emery Lueck

Pansies, 7 blooms: First, Emery Lueck

Peonies, 3 stems: First, Ainsly Wolsky

Single Rose, one bloom: First, Emery Lueck; second, Rhian Lueck

Rose bowl: First, Emery Lueck; second, Rhian Lueck

Mini bouquet, under 7” (to age 10): First, Adeline Gannarelli; second, Genevieve Gannarelli

Fresh flower arrangement (to age 10): First, Tenly Wolsky; second, Ainsly Wolsky

Potted green plant, 8” diameter pot: First, Jordan Jensen

Best Junior Flower: Tenly Wolsky

White bread: First, Jean Schmuhl; second, Debbie Holmes

Any bread machine bread: First, Deb Klosterman-Klose; second, Nick Kurtz

White buns: First, Delores Peterson; second, Chris Neys; third, Jean Schmuhl

Dark buns: First, Jackie Readel

Fancy rolls: First, Jean Schmuhl

Cinnamon rolls: First, Jean Schmuhl; second, Jackie Readel

Caramel rolls: First, Delores Peterson; second, Jean Schmuhl; third, Chris Neys

Kuchen ¼ piece 9” kuchen: First, Chris Neys

Best In Adult Rolls: Delores Peterson

Best In Adult Bread: Jean Schmuhl

Banana bread: First, Hannah Smith; second, Andrea Christianson; third, Chris Neys

Corn bread: First, Debbie Holmes

Pumpkin bread: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Raquel Heinle

Zucchini bread: First, Kristen Grenz; second, Emma Grenz

Fruit muffins: First, Raquel Heinle; second, Gayle Frey; third, Debbie Holmes

Coffee cake: First, Gloria Jones; second, Nichole Haugen

Best Adult Quick Bread: Hannah Smith

Chocolate cake, not iced: First, Heidi Tyson; second, Debbie Holmes; third, Alannah Valenta

Light cake, not iced: First, Debbie Holmes

Any other cake, not iced: First, Gloria Jones; second, Debbie Holmes

Chocolate layer cake, iced: Second, Debbie Holmes

Light layer cake, iced: Second, Debbie Holmes

Any other layer cake, iced: First, Raquel Heinle

Angel food cake, not iced: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Jackie Readel

Decorated cake: First, Debbie Holmes

Best In Adult Cake: Raquel Heinle

Chocolate chip: First, Chris Neys; second, Brian Bergstedt; third, Alexis Fettig

Filled: First, Lori Stiefel; second, Chris Neys; third, Robert Stiles

Ginger: First, Alannah Valenta; second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Heidi Tyson

Oatmeal: First, Jean Schmuhl; second, Gayle Frey

Peanut butter: First, Trace Cluck; second, Marla Wegner; third, Jean Schmuhl

Pressed or molded: First, Nick Kurtz

Raisin: First, Heidi Tyson; second, Chris Neys; third, Jean Schmuhl

Sugar: First, Michele Well; second, Deb Klosterman-Klose

Brownies: First, Deb Klosterman-Klose; second, Chris Neys; third, Marla Wegner

Unbaked bar: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Chris Neys

Fruit bar: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Lisa Blaskowski; third, Nichole Haugen

Any other bar: First, Debbie Holmes

Best In Adult Cookie/Bar: Debbie Holmes

Two crust pie: First, Paul Lee

Caramels: First, Raquel Heinle; second, Jackie Readel; third, Jean Schmuhl

Fudge: First, Laurie Podoll; second, Jean Schmuhl

Other fudge: First, Laurie Podoll; second, Alexis Fettig

Chocolates, homemade: First, Lori Stiefel; second, Gloria Jones; third, Debbie Holmes

Molded candy including mints: First, Raquel Heinle; second, Gloria Jones

Peanut brittle: First, Gloria Jones; second, Jean Schmuhl

Best In Adult Candy: Raquel Heinle

Beans: First, Michele Well; second, Kathy Steiner; third, Chris Neys

Beets: First, Michele Well; second, Terry D. O’Meara

Carrots: First, Darlene Carlson; second, Gloria Jones

Corn: First, Kristen Grenz; second, Terry D. O’Meara

Tomatoes: First, Gloria Jones; second, Chris Neys; third, Terry D. O’Meara

Tomato juice: First, Martha Bjorgaard; second, Darlene Carlson; third, Jean Schmuhl

Tomato, spaghetti or pizza sauce: First, Terry D O’Meara; second, Gloria Jones; third, Kristen Grenz

Salsa: First, Barb Hill; second, Kristen Grenz; third, Gloria Jones

Other vegetables: First, Gloria Jones; second, Terry D. O’Meara; third, Brittany Gannarelli

Soup, any kind, homemade: First, Terry D. O’Meara; second, Gloria Jones; third, Chris Neys

Best In Adult Vegetables: Gloria Jones

Beet: First, Chris Neys; second, Terry D. O’Meara; third, Darlene Carlson

Dill: First, Gloria Jones; second, Kathy Steiner; third, Colleen McCoy

Relish: First, Gloria Jones; second, Terry D. O’Meara

Sweet Cucumber: Second, Darlene Carlson

Watermelon: Second, Delores Peterson; third, Colleen McCoy

Zuchhini pickles or relish: First, Gloria Jones

Any other pickles, canned/sealed: First, Terry D. O’Meara; second, Deb Greshik; third, Colleen McCoy

Refrigerator (jar): First, Terry D. O’Meara

Best Of Adult Pickles: Gloria Jones

Apples: First, Kristen Grenz; second, Gloria Jones

Applesauce: First, Gloria Jones; second, Kristen Grenz; third, Michele Well

Cherries: First, Chris Neys; second, Terry D. O’Meara

Peaches: First, Chris Neys; second, Terry D. O’Meara; third, Sue Valenta

Pears: First, Chris Neys; second, Sue Valenta; third, Terry D. O’Meara

Any other fruit sauce: First, Terry D. O’Meara

Fruit juice – any kind: First, Madeline Stiefel; second, Lori Stiefel; third, RIchard Podoll

Best Of Fruits: Chris Neys

Jerky: First, Emmi Odenbach; second, Kevin Windish

Pepper stricks: First, Kevin Windish

Best Adult Meat: Emmi Odenbach

Apple or crabapple jam: First, Kristen Grenz

Raspberry jam: First, Chris Neys; second, Gloria Jones, second

Strawberry jam: Second, Terry D. O’Meara; third, Michele Well

Blended or other jam: Second, Sue Valenta; third, Kathy Steiner

Apple or crabapple jam: First, Terry D. O’Meara

Chokecherry jelly: Second, Heidi Tyson

Grape jelly: First, Brittany Gannarelli; second, Gloria Jones; third, Heidi Tyson

Blended or other jelly: First, Colleen McCoy; second, Chris Neys; third, Deb Graves

Fruit butter-any kind: Second, Deb Greshik; third, Patsy Klose

Best Of Jelly/Jam: Chris Neys

Quick bread, 1 small loaf: First, Amelia Haugen; second, Madeline Haugen

Muffins, fruit, 2: Third, Amelia Haugen

Brownies: First, Madeline Haugen; third, Paislee Iverson

Unbaked bar: First, Paislee Iverson; second, Tavis Williams; third, Aiden Kramlich

Chocolate chip cookies: First, Miya Corell; second, Ethan Lipetzky; third, Paislee Iverson

Peanut butter cookies: First, Tavis Williams; second, Miya Corell

Sugar cookies: First, Aiden Kramlich; second, Miya Corell; third, Tavis Williams

Best In Food: Madeline Haugen

Yeast bread, 1 pound loaf: First, Katie Tyson; second, Will Tyson

Bread machine bread: Second, Will Tyson; third, Katie Tyson

Yeast buns, 2 any kind: First, Will Tyson; second, Katie Tyson; third, Brinley Bear

Quick bread, 1 small loaf: First, Katie Tyson; second, Brinley Bear; third, Payson Lueck

Muffins, fruit: Second, Katie Tyson; third, Will Tyson

Pie, small, any kind: First, Katie Tyson

Cake: First, Will Tyson; second, Lorenzo Collazo; third, Katie Tyson

Cupcakes: First, Evelyn Haugen; second, Oliva Haugen; third, Payson Lueck

Brownies: First, McKenna Lipetsky; second, Rhian Lueck; third, Evelyn Haugen

Fruit or vegetable bar: First, Emmi Odenbbach

Unbaked bar: First, Natalie Haugen; second, Cayson Collazo

Chocolate chip cookies: First, Natalie Haugen; second, Emry Lueck; third, WIll Tyson

Oatmeal cookies: First, Will Tyson; third, Katie Tyson

Peanut butter cookies: First, Brinley Bear; second, Olivia Haugen; third, Emry Lueck

Sugar cookies: First, Emry Lueck; second, Rhian Lueck; third, Brinley Bear

Unbaked cookies: First, Payson Lueck; second, Emry Lueck

Candy, any kind: First, Katie Tyson; second, Rhian Lueck; third, Brinley Bear

Jelly: First, Katie Tyson; second, Will Tyson

Canned pickle: First, Emmi Odenbach

Canned Vegetable: First, Emmi Odenbach

Best In Food: Katie Tyson

Yeast beard, 1 pound loaf: First, Miah Tyson; second, Madelyn Tyson

Bread machine bread: First, Miah Tyson; second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Aliyah Tyson

Yeast buns, 2 any kind: First, Miah Tyson; second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Cassidy WIlliams

Quick bread, 1 small loaf: First, Jacie Bear; second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Markell Lueck

Muffins, fruit: Second, Madelyn Tyson

Muffins, 2 any kind: Third, Cassidy Williams

Pie, small, any kind: Third, Cassidy Williams

Cake: First, Miah Tyson; second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Madelyn Tyson

Cupcakes: First, Milenu Motschenbacher; second, Miah Tyson; third, Aliyah Tyson

Fruit or vegetable bar: First, Miah Tyson

Unbaked bar: First, Aliyah Tyson; second, Nataura Hofmann; third, Madelyn Tyson

Chocolate chip cookies: First, Madelyn Tyson; second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Miah Tyson

Oatmeal cookies: Second, Miah Tyson; third, Markell Lueck

Peanut butter cookies: First, Jaci Bear; second, Markell Lueck; third, Cassidy Williams

Sugar cookies: Second, Markell Lueck; third, Jordan G. Jensen

Unbaked cookies: First, Markell Lueck

Candy, any kind: First, Jaci Bear; second, Markell Lueck; third, Madelyn Tyson

Jelly: First, Miah Tyson; second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Aliyah Tyson

Best In Food: Milenu Motschenbacher

Bib: First, Judy Scherbenske, second, Jean Schmuhl

Any other garment: First, Jean Schmuhl; second, Judy Scherbenske; third, Tina Busche

Hand bag or tote bag – handmade: First, Christine Burchill; second, Dixie Supler; third, Carol Lees

Childs sportswear: First, Judy Scherbenske

Best Sewing Technique: Christine Burchill

Pillow: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Lisa Blaskowski; third, Jean Schmuhl

Pillow case: FIrst, Deb Klosterman-Klose; second, Judy Scherbenske; third, Jean Schmuhl

Other decorated dish towel: First, Jean Schmuhl

Any kitchen fingertip towel: First, Judy Scherbenske

Tablecloth - any size: Third, Tina Busche

Tablerunner: First, Debbie Klosterman-Klose; second, Debbie Holmes

Placemat - any kind: Third, Jean Schmuhl

Pot holders (2): First, Judy Scherbenske; second, Jean Schmuhl

Applique on terry towel: Second, Jean Schmuhl

Other decorated terry towel: First, Judy Scherbenske; second, Jean Schmuhl

Rug, any kind: First, Dixie Supler

Blanket: First, Judy Scherbenski; third, Emma Grenz

Best In Home Furnishings: Deb Klosterman-Klose

Applique, mixed, special techniques: First, Judith Lonnberg; second, Jean Schmuhl; third, Patsy Klose

Wall hanging: First, Patsy Klose

Holiday wall hanging: Second, Tina Busche

Recycled fabric: First, Beth Cole; second, Emma Grenz; third, Karen Lasing

Table runner or topper: First, Judith Lonnberg; second, Patsy Klose; third, Karen Lasing

Pieced and quilted – by the exhibitor on either a home sewing machine or longarm/midarm (entirely constructed by one person): First, Patsy Klose; second, Beth Cole; third, Karen Lasing

Pieced - by the exhibitor, quilted by another individual (constructed by two persons): First, Christine Burchill; second, Deb Klosterman-Klose; third, Lisa Blaskowski

Best Adult Quilt: Christine Burchill

Quilt pieced by exhibitor quilted by another (2 persons): First, Emmi Odenbach

Best Junior Quilt: Emmi Odenbach

Skirt or jumper: First, Tenly Wolsky

Any other sewing: First, Emmi Odenbach; second, Genevieve Gannarelli

Fashion accessory: Second, McKenna Lipetzky

Handbag or tote bag – handmade: Second, Genevieve Gannarelli

Pillow case: First, Emmi Odenbach

Doll clothes: Second, Aliyah Tyson

Skirt or jumper: First, Aliyah Tyson

Best Jr. Sewing Technique: Emmi Odenbach

Crocheted in one piece: First, Dixie Supler; second, Mona Rudland

Crocheted in blocks/strips: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Dixie Supler; third, Judith Lonnberg

Baby afghan, crocheted: First, Dixie Supler; second, Debbie Holmes; third, Danel Bennett

Doily under 14”: First, Phyllis E. Schuler

Centerpiece over 14”: First, Phyllis E. Schuler

Dish cloth/towel: Second, Martha Bjorgaard

Neck scarf: Second, Dixie Supler

Pot holder: First, Dixie Supler; second, Martha Bjorgaard

Shell or vest: Second, Dixie Supler

Any other crochet item: First, Danel Bennett; second, Dixie Supler

Best Crocheted Item: Phyllis E. Schuler

Any other adult item: First, Judith Lonnberg

Best Knit Item: Judith Lonnberg

Counted cross stitch picture, large (over 11x14” mat opening): First, Debbie Holmes; second, Jean Schmuhl; third, Dixie Supler

Counted cross stitch picture, medium (8x8” through 11x14” mat opening): First, Debbie Holmes

Counted cross stitch picture, small (under 8x8” mat opening): First, Debbie Holmes; second, Jean Schmuhl

Other cross stitch, not framed: Second, Phyllis E. Schuler

Embroidered pillow case: First, Phyllis E. Schuler; second, Jean Schmuhl

Embroidered dish towel: First, Tina Busche; second, Phyllis E. Schuler; third, Delores Peterson

Crewel embroidered picture, medium (8x8” through 11x14” mat opening): Second, Anish Glinz

Crewel embroidered picture, small (under 8x8” mat opening): First, Anish Glinz

Basket, hand made: Second, Dixie Supler

Christmas item, non-needlework: First, Nick Kurtz; second, Judy Scherbenske

Christmas stocking: First, Judy Scherbenske

Decoupage item: First, Judy Scherbenske

Doll blanket: First, Judy Scherbenske

Doll craft, dolls only: Second, Dixie Supler

Holiday other than Christmas: First, Patricia Calvert; second, Alexis Fettig; third, Debbie Holmes

Holiday ornament: First, Barb Hill; second, Tina Busche

Jewelry: First, Martha Bjorgaard; second, Debbie Holmes; third, Dixie Supler

Latch hook item: Second, Robert Docktor

Toy, stuffed: First, Anish Glinz

Wall hanging, needlework: First, Deb Graves; second, Sharon E. Jensen; third, Patsy Klose

Wreath or swag: First, Debbie Holmes

Yarn craft: First, Dixie Supler

Item made by special needs person: First, Joseph Fuchs; second, Robert Docktor

Rock painting (6”x6” max): First, Carol Lees; second, Darnel Carlson; third, Roberta Reimers

Macrame: First, Darnel Bennett; second, Sharon E. Jensen

Paper mache (18” max size): Second, Jan Egan

Leather craft: First, Victoria Christensen

Suncatcher: First, Phyllis E. Schuler; second, Carrie Roemmich

Craft made of recycled product no larger than 24”x24”: First, Carrie Roemmich; second, Roberta Reimers

Diamond painting, framed, 24”x24” max: First, Skylar Lux; second, Martha Bjorgaard; third, Patricia Calvert

Best in adult craft: Deb Graves

Bead craft: Second, Paislee Iverson; third, Tavis Williams

Christmas item, large: Second, Paislee Iverson

Decorated ready-made doll or toy: Third, Tavis Williams

Decorated shirt: Second, Amelia Haugen; third, Madeline Haugen

Holiday other than Christmas: First, Tavis Williams; second, Carlene Sabinash; third, Miya Corell

Jewelry: Second, Tavis Williams; third, Paislee Iverson

Handmade greeting card: Second, Amelia Haugen; third, Miyah Corell

Plastic canvas item: First, Madeline Haugen

Refrigerator magnet: First, Paislee Iverson; second, Amelia Haugen; third, Tavis Williams

Towel decorated: First, Adeline Gannarelli; second, Madeline Haugen; third, Tavis Williams

Yarn craft: First, McKayla Zaun

Paper mache (18” max size): Third, Carlene Sabinash

Rock painting (6”x6” max): Second, Amelia Haugen; third, Madeline Haugen

Suncatcher: Second, Paislee Iverson; third, Adeline Gannarelli

Craft, made of recycled product, no later than 24”x24”: First, Miya Corell; second, Eloise Siebert

Bead craft: Second, Katie Tyson; third, Will Tyson

Christmas item, large: First: Katie Tyson; second, Natalie Haugen

Christmas item, small: Second: Aliyah Tyson; third, Will Tyson

Decorated ready-made doll or toy: Second, Will Tyson

Decorated shirt: First, Olivia Haugen; second, Lorenzo Collazo; third, Evelyn Haugen

Decoupage item: First, Tenly Wolsky

Doll craft, dolls only: First, Olivia Haugen

Holiday other than Christmas: Second, Olivia Haugen; third, Will Tyson

Pillow, 18”x18: Second, Will Tyson; third, Katie Tyson

Plastic canvas item: Second, Natalie Haugen

Refrigerator magnet: Second, Lorenzo Collazo; third, Will Tyson

Towel, decorated: First, Genevieve Gannarelli; second, Evelyn Haugen

Wall hanging, needlework: First, Katie Tyson; second, Olivia Haugen; third, Evelyn Haugen

Rock painting (6”x6” max size): First, Tenly Wolsky; second, Katie Tyson; third, Will Tyson

Suncatcher: Second, Katie Tyson; third, Evelyn Haugen

Craft made of recycled product no later than 24”x24”: Second, Evelyn Haugen

Diamond painting, framed, 24”x4” max: First, Olivia Haugen; second, Natalie Haugen; third, Katie Tyson

Bead craft: Second, Aliya Tyson

Christmas item, large: Second, Jazmyn Zaun

Christmas item, small: Second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Miah Tyson

Decorated ready-made doll or toy: Second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Jordan Jensen

Decorated shirt: Second, Miah Tyson; third, Aliyah Tyson

Holiday other than Christmas: Third, Aliyah Tyson

Handmade greeting card: First, Jazmyn Zaun; second, Miah Tyson; third, Jordan Jensen

Macrame item: Second, Miah Tyson

Pillow, 18”x18”: Second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Miah Tyson

Refrigerator magnet: Third, Miah Tyson

Wall hanging: Second, Markell Lueck; third, Aliyah Tyson

Yarn craft: Second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Miah Tyson

Scrapook page - 12”x12”: Second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Aliyah Tyson

Rock painting (6”x6” max): Second, Miah Tyson; third, Aliyah Tyson

Craft made of recycled product, no larger than 24”x24”: Second, Miah Tyson

Diamond painting, framed, 24”x24” max: Second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Miah Tyson

Best Junior Craft (All ages): Tenly Wolsky

Bird house, decorative: First, Carol Lees; second, Ty Kersting; third, Nick Kurtz

Toy, handmade, wood: Second, Erica Holvorson; third, Tyler Holvorson

Wood craft, constructed: First, Victoria Christensen; second, Cindy Psychos

Wood craft, any other: First, Grant Invie; second, Erica Holvorson; third, Skylar Lux

Wood burning: First, Emma Grenz; second, Sharon Jensen

Best Adult Woodwork: Grant Invie

Wood craft, any other: First, Adeline Gannarelli; second, Aiden Kramlich; third, Travis Williams

Bird house, decorative: Second, Will Tyson

Bird feeder: Second, Katie Tyson

Wood craft, any other: First, Genevieve Gannarelli

Woodburning item: Second, Emmi Odenbach

Bird house, decorative: Third, Aliyah Tyson

Best Junior Woodwork: Genevieve Gannarelli

Pencil: First, Barb Hill; second, Cullen Flieth; third, Carrie Roemmich

Mixed medium: First, Olivia Schriock; second, Robert Stiles; third, Theresa Kraft

Acrylic: First: Carol Lees; second, Darnel Carlson; third, Jan Egan

Watercolor: First, Victoria Christensen; second, Barb Hill

Best Adult Art: Barb Hill

Pencil: First, Tavis Williams; second, Eloise Siebert; third, Paislee Iverson

Mixed medium: First, Adeline Gannarelli; second, Paislee Iverson

Acrylic: First, Lilly Krapp; second, Paislee Iverson; third, Aiden Kramlich

Watercolor: First, Aiden Kramlich; second, Eloise Siebert; third, Tavis Williams

Clay or plastercraft: First, Tavis Williams; second, Miya Corell

Chalk or charcoal: First, Sage Tomlin Perleberg

Pencil: First, Genevieve Gannarelli; second, Will Tyson; third, Lorenzo Collazo

Mixed medium: First, Natalie Haugen; second, Sage Tomlin Perleberg; third, Lorenzo Collazo

Acrylic: First, Evelyn Haugen; second, Olivia Haugen; third, Daisy Krapp

Watercolor: First, Sage Tomlin Perleberg

Clay or plastercraft: First, Lorenzo Collazo

Pencil: First, Milenu Motschenbacher; second, Jordan Jensen; third, Megan Victor

Mixed medium: First, Megan Victor; second, Aliyah Tyson

Acrylic: First, Leo Williams; second, Ryan William; third, Miah Tyson

Best Junior Art: Evelyn Haugen

Portraits/candids: First, Mary Jane Westerhausen, second, Tammy Kelly; third, Carrie Roemmich

Scenic: First, Laurie Podoll; second, Richard Podoll; third, Debbie Holmes

Nature: First, Heidi Tyson; second, Kim Symington; third, Darnel Carlson

Stutsman County Fair photo: First, Debbie Holmes; second, Dixie Supler

Best In Adult Photography: Laurie Podoll

Portraits/candids: Second, Felicity Williams

Portraits/candids: First, Madelyn Tyson; second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Miah Tyson

Scenic: First, Miah Tyson; second, Aliyah Tyson; third, Leo Williams

Nature: First, Miah Tyson; second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Ryan Williams

Scenic: First, Aliyah Tyson; second, Miah Tyson

Nature: First, Aliyah Tyson; second, Madelyn Tyson; third, Miah Tyson

Best Junior Photography (All ages): Miah Tyson

Functional piece used for food, glazed: First, Chris Neys

Decorator pieces, glazed: First, Chris Neys

Decorator pieces, combined: First, Chris Neys

Miscellaneous, glazed: First, Chris Neys

Miscellaneous, combined: First, Chris Neys

Best in Adult Ceramics: Chris Neys