Brave passers-by went 'above and beyond' as they battled to save Glasgow man’s life in canal | Glasgow Times

2022-08-19 22:16:05 By : Ms. Tracy Wong

Brave passers-by who went “above and beyond” as they battled to save a drowning man’s life have been thanked by his devastated family.

Stephen Taylor tragically died after being pulled out of the Forth and Clyde Canal in Bishopbriggs on Saturday night.

The 39-year-old, from Barmulloch, had decided to go magnet fishing for the first time with his dad, Alex Taylor.

Stephen and his dad Alex

But Stephen’s rope ended up in the canal and he entered the water to try to get it back.

Stephen’s big brother, also Alex Taylor, said: “It was their first attempt at magnet fishing. Because it was a nice day, they decided ‘mon we’ll go to the canal and spend the day together’.

“He tried to get sticks to retrieve his rope at first, but he couldn’t. And if Stephen thought he could do something, he would do it, and he went in.

“I think he got stuck in the weeds and I think he underestimated the depth of the water.”

Stephen and his dad, who were described as “two peas in a pod”, were fishing near a bridge on Cadder Road at around 6.30pm. 

Alex, 67, started screaming when he realised his son was in trouble.

“People passing by heard my dad,” Alex said.

“He was screaming and shouting ‘Stephen’. They ran down and one of the guys jumped in.

“Another guy helped him, and it was like a chain of arms.

“Another man then came down and he jumped in and between them, they managed to get Stephen out.”

The kind-hearted members of the public then took turns giving Stephen CPR, as an off-duty nurse guided them on what to do.

Alex, from Balornock, said: “They just did not stop and kept going until the ambulances came.

"There was another man there, and he actually jumped in his car and went to B&Q to get a loan of a defibrillator and he came back with that.

“It’s just unbelievable how people come together to chip in to help.

“The emergency services, ambulance crew, and police; everyone went above and beyond to do what they could, but it just wasn’t enough to save him. It was just too late.

“We want to thank all those who were involved and show that’s the kind of people we’re surrounded by, and you don’t even realise it.

“My dad couldn’t have jumped in the water, even though he wanted to, but other people did that.

“Anybody who stepped a toe into that water when there was someone already in difficulty is risking their lives because they don’t know what caused that. But they did it.

“We’re immensely grateful beyond words can say. We want to let them know it’s appreciated and ‘thank you’.”

Stephen’s family have been left heartbroken by his sudden death, especially his dad.

“My dad is suffering,” Alex said.

“He’s thinking ‘could I have done more, I should have jumped in’.

"He’s thinking ‘I wish I did jump in, and I could have gone with him'. He just wants to be with him.

“Stephen always used to say, ‘da see when you go, I’m going wae yi’, that’s how close they were.

"They did everything together, were always on the phone, and they went their messages together. It’s tough for him.

“He was there and had to watch it and he’s left with all the guilt.”

Alex, 45, described his younger brother as a “wee gem”.

He added: “Stephen was really kind-hearted. He would give you his last and would talk to anybody.

“He was my wee mate. He was everything to us.

“On Sunday morning, I was upset and my phone made a wee noise, and I looked at it. It showed all these photos of Stephen.

“He was in every photo; with me, my dad, my cousin, and the first photo that came up was him giving me a thumbs up.

“I think that was him telling me ‘I’m awrite’. I believe it was a sign.

“He knew I was sitting there, and he made the photos come up.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 6.30pm on Saturday, August 13, officers attended Cadder Road, Glasgow following reports of a man in difficulty in the water.

"The 39-year-old was recovered by members of the public and emergency services attended, but he was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later.

"The death is not being treated as suspicious." 

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